Jun 302014

As a business owner I know I have mixed emotions when school holidays are approaching.  On one hand I’m glad my kids will be around, and on the other I wonder how I’m going to entertain the kids, keep my clients happy and not fall behind in my work too much.

Over the years I have come to realise although I don’t get as much work done during holidays, I have come to accept this, but with a little planning and utilising the resources available to me, my business doesn’t have to go on hold, unless I’m going away, of course (and even then I still sometimes manage a little work).

Here are a few of the strategies I use to ensure I’m not stressed, and my kids are entertained and clients are happy:

Advise clients about school holidays

  • Let them know I am around, but not as available as I usually am
  • Ask them to email me information, and if it’s urgent send me a text/call me so I am aware they need some urgent help
  • Let them know that if I’m unable to meet their deadline, that I have others that are able to assist in my absence

Build a reliable team to assist when required

Utilise holiday care/camps

  • These give kids opportunities to do things that they may not to get to do otherwise
  • They make new friends

School-aged kids don’t have to be entertained all the time, entertaining themselves is a great skill to learn

You don’t have to spend a lot of money or take the kids out everyday

  • Sometimes the best fun in free
  • A day at home isn’t a bad thing
  • Limit special/expensive activites to one or two a week

Having play dates is usually less work for you as your kids are entertained


Here is an example of a typical week days in the school holidays for me:

Monday – Shopping (food or items for school) & hang out at home / Part work day for me

Tuesday – School holiday camp / Work day for me

Wednesday – Special Day out with the kids

Thursday – Kids play date / Work day for me

Friday – Catch up with friends


So as you can see school holidays are what you make of them, firstly you need to accept things will involve a little more juggling, but with the right juggling and some trial and error, you can minimise the stress and keep smiles on everyone’s faces.